Basic Troubleshooting when email isn't working

If you are unable to send an email, there are a few things you can check before contacting support. First, make sure that you have a strong internet connection. If your internet connection is weak or unreliable, it can prevent the email from being sent. You can try restarting your router or reconnecting to your Wi-Fi network to see if that resolves the issue.

Next, check the recipient's email address to make sure it is correct and complete. If the email address is incorrect or incomplete, the email may not be delivered or may be delivered to the wrong person.

Additionally, check the subject line and the body of the email to make sure they are correct and complete. If the subject line is not descriptive or relevant, the recipient may ignore or delete the email.

If you have attached any files to the email, make sure that the files are in a supported format and are not too large. Some email providers have limits on the size of attachments, and may not deliver emails with attachments that exceed these limits.

If you have checked all of these things and you are still unable to send the email, it may be a temporary issue with the email server or with your email provider. You can try restarting your email client or logging out and logging back in to your email account to see if that resolves the issue. If the problem persists, you can contact the support team for assistance.

  • email, troubleshooting
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