If your domain name is managed by the third party service Cloudflare, you may need to follow these steps before creating a subdomain in your cPanel account.

To create a subdomain in Cloudflare, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account.

  2. In the "Domains" section, click on the domain that you want to create the subdomain for.

  3. Click on the "DNS" tab.

  4. In the "Add a record" section, select "A" from the "Type" dropdown menu.

  5. In the "Name" field, enter the name of the subdomain you want to create.

  6. In the "IPv4 Address" field, enter the IP address of the server where the subdomain's files are stored.

  7. Click the "Add record" button to create the subdomain.

Once the subdomain is created, you can access it by going to the subdomain's URL in a web browser. For example, if you created a subdomain named "subdomain" for the domain "example.com", you would access the subdomain by going to "subdomain.example.com" in your web browser.

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