With a marked increase in the number of malicious attacks on websites, keeping your WordPress plugins up-to-date is crucial. Failure to do so can result in significant problems for owners, and cleaning up after these issues is often a difficult and time-consuming task.

To avoid these problems, it is important to take proactive measures.

The following steps, taken regularly, can help you prevent significant problems:

  1. Regularly update existing plugins. Check if you have any plugins that need updating by logging in to your site and going to Dashboard > Updates. The Themes and Plugins menu items will also have red circles next to them if any need updating. Make sure to update everything.

  2. Enable automatic updates for plugins. By default, WordPress does not update plugins automatically. You can easily enable automatic updates on a per-plugin basis by going to the Plugins screen and clicking Enable auto-updates next to each plugin.

  3. Remove unsupported plugins. Go to the Plugins screen and click View details for each plugin. This screen shows you the last version of WordPress the plugin was tested with and when it was last updated. Remove any plugins that are no longer supported.

  4. Remove unnecessary plugins. Check how many plugins and themes you have installed on your site. Do you need them all? Can any of them be removed or replaced? Generally, fewer is better.

If you don't have enough time to keep on top of your plugins, consider hiring us to manage them for you. That way, you can rest easy knowing that your website is secure and running smoothly. Contact us today if our Maintenance Service is something you need.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

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